A Teacher Mom’s Perspective on ABCmouse

March 27, 2019 in Teacher Mom, Teaching Ideas

Being a teacher mom is sometimes pretty tough. You have mom guilt. You have teacher guilt. You’re being pushed and pulled in different directions, but at the forefront of it all is doing what is best for your children and your students. As a teacher mom, I also feel an added pressure to make sure my own children are educationally ready and challenged. My two boys are 4 and 5, and my oldest is starting Kindergarten this August. I have been working with both of them to make sure they’re ready for preschool and Kindergarten. One way I have been trying to prepare them and build their foundation is by using ABCmouse.com.

There are so many reasons why my boys have gotten so much out of ABCmouse. They have been able to reinforce their letter and sight word recognition, challenge themselves with puzzles and games, and practice gaining a stronger number sense through the site’s math skills practice activities. ABCmouse has also given my boys the opportunity to practice using computer skills, and it has helped me implement a structured and educational computer time in our home. I also really appreciate that ABCmouse is child safe and free of advertisements.

As a busy teacher mom, I also like that ABCmouse is accessible through my phone and iPad. My boys have access to thousands of fun and engaging activities that cover an array of subjects like math, science, reading, art, and more. My boys play games, listen to videos, solve puzzles, all while learning and creating their foundation for Kindergarten.

Currently, ABCmouse is offering a special membership deal for Spring. You can sign up for ABCmouse and get two months for only $5. It is easy to sign up. Just click here to access the membership page and use code BUSYTEACHER to redeem the Spring offer. Each membership also allows you to create up to three children profiles on one account. You can get your whole family in on the educational fun!

If you’re interested in learning more about ABCmouse, check out my Instagram post and stories, or click here to redeem the Spring offer…and don’t forget to enter the code BUSYTEACHER.

Disclaimer: This is a paid partnership with ABC Mouse and Age of Learning.


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